
                          Mini Project                                               
Here is a skeleton for a Makefile with 4 targets.                                        
This Makefile helps a PHP development team have a consistent development                 
environment. Fill in the commands for given rules such that conditions                   
provided in comments are met.                                                            
Set default rule to be 'up'      

prepare:                                                                                 │
# install packages required for following rules                                      │
up:                                                                                      │
# run 'docker compose up'                                                            │
# - run one container with MySQL database with persistent storage                    │
#   in ~/docker/db                                                                   │
# - run another container apache server with persistent storage                      │
#   in ~/docker/www                                                                  │
# - apache server should be running with PHP module enabled                          │
# - php files stored in ~/docker/www should be live updatable                        │
# - create index.php in ~/docker/www, this script                                    │
#   connects to MySQL DB and prints MySQL server version                             │
# - files in ~/docker/* should be reusable in subsequent runs   

down:                                                                                    │
# shut down containers gracefully                                                    │
# retain files in ~/docker/* for future 'make up'                                    │
teardown:                                                                                │
# delete ~/docker/* for fresh start                                                  │
# implicitly run 'down' rule's commands before teardown                              │
# remove all packages installed in prepare steps                                     │

Solution link